Getting started



If you already have Jupyter installed, just pip install the prebuilt extension from the Python Package Index.

pip install yfiles_jupyter_graphs

If you want to start clean and get a fresh new Jupyter Lab with the widget readily installed and available, you can use docker, too:

Form a shell, create a docker image that contains all that is required:

mkdir yfiles-jupyter && cd yfiles-jupyter
echo -e "FROM jupyter/scipy-notebook\nRUN pip install yfiles-jupyter-graphs" > Dockerfile
docker build -t yfiles-jupyter-graphs-on-docker .

(the above has been tested successfully with scipy-notebook:lab-3.4.7 and yfiles-jupyter-graphs==1.2.1), but we want to make sure that it will also work with upcoming versions - file an issue if it doesn't work for you!)

You can then create a fresh new instance of your server from this image like so:

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 --name yfiles-jupyter yfiles-jupyter-graphs-on-docker


In a notebook which has the wiget installed in the server, in a Python cell, you can then do this:


"""Execute in jupyter notebook or jupyter lab"""
from yfiles_jupyter_graphs import GraphWidget
# shows empty widget