Graph Importers

Used by the GraphWidget.import_graph method.

Neo4j Importer

Importer for graphs from Neo4j.


  • By default, the widget displays the node's label and the edge's type as text. This may be adjusted by setting a different label-mapping, e.g., see 02_label_mapping.
  • Node labels are combined with ':' and added as 'label' property on the item
  • Node and relationship properties are available on the graph item's properties.
  • Each node label or relationship type is assigned a specific color.


First, create a Neo4j driver with access to your database

from neo4j import GraphDatabase
from yfiles_jupyter_graphs import GraphWidget

NEO4J_URI      = "neo4j+s://" 
NEO4J_USERNAME = "movies"
NEO4J_PASSWORD = "movies"

# create a neo4j session to run queries
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri = NEO4J_URI, auth = (NEO4J_USERNAME, NEO4J_PASSWORD), database = 'movies')
session = driver.session()

This driver can then be used to query a result graph by importing the result with the yFiles Graphs for Jupyter widget:

# directly show the graph resulting from the given Cypher query
def showGraph(cypher: str):
    widget = GraphWidget(graph = 

    # potentially configure some mappings of the widget...
    def node_label_mapping(node):
        properties = node['properties']
        return properties.get('name', properties.get('label', '<unlabeled>')) 

    w.node_label_mapping = node_label_mapping


# display a Cypher query as graph
showGraph("MATCH (s)-[r]->(t) RETURN s,r,t LIMIT 20")

See also this Jupyter Notebook Open In Colab

Graph Tool Importer

Importer for graphs from the graph tool package.


  • Graph properties are ignored.
  • Nodes and edges are identified by index.
  • Node and edge properties are extracted from corresponding property maps.
  • Default values for unset properties are used, due to the way graph tool properties work.


See this Jupyter Notebook Open In Colab

igraph Importer

Importer for graphs from the igraph package.


  • Nodes and edges are identified by index attribute.
  • Node and edge properties are provided through attributes method.
  • Edges are determined by source and target attribute.


See this Jupyter Notebook Open In Colab

Networkx Importer

Importer for graphs from the networkx package.


  • Graph attributes are ignored.
  • Node identifiers are saved under property key label (or yf_label if key label already exists).
  • Node identifiers have to be unique.
  • Subgraphs (graph as node, see here) are not supported.


See this Jupyter Notebook Open In Colab

PyGraphviz Importer

Importer for graphs from the pygraphviz package.


  • Graph attributes are ignored.
  • Node names are saved under property key label (or yf_label if key label already exists).
  • Node names have to be unique.
  • Unspecified default node/edge attributes are empty (and shown as null in data viewer).
  • Subgraphs are dissolved.


See this Jupyter Notebook Open In Colab

Pandas Importer


  • each row corresponds to an edge
  • the edges are defined by pairs of source and target indices
  • if you have a label column in your DataFrame, the edges automatically have this label
  • the default edge is always directed
  • nodes are created for every id used in source and target
  • any additional DataFrame columns are stored in properties under the same name


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